Continuous quality is a core component of continuous software delivery, directly impacting digital business outcomes. Testing as a step within a CI/CD pipeline or DevOps process is not feasible. Testing must be a continuous focus throughout the entire process. Therefore, the goal of our Continuous Quality Management platform is simple: to provide our customers with a set of capabilities that seamlessly extend their CI/CD toolchain, enabling them to easily automate testing.
· Code/Build
- Enables developers to automatically perform high-quality, compliance, safety, and security static code analysis within their chosen IDE.
- Provides developers with AI-driven unit test generation to achieve more code coverage with less time and effort.· Test/Release
- Ensures compliance, security, and quality by automating the testing of Web services as well as virtualized services and data, accelerating the delivery of cloud, API, and microservices applications.
- Significantly reduces the overhead of creating and maintaining Selenium-based UI tests through automated test generation and AI-driven fixes.
· Deploy/Monitor/Operate
- Gain immediate insights into your software quality, code coverage, compliance, security, and more through our visual analytics and reporting platform.